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Pedro S. Martins - Labour Economics

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Pedro S. Martins




  • 2023/24 WPs:

    • 'Spillover Effects of Employment Protection', with P. Cahuc, P. Carry and F. Malherbet (Nova WP 655, Earlier version: CEPR DP 16875VoxEU)

    • 'Can Vocational Education Improve Schooling and Labour Outcomes? Evidence from a Large Expansion', with J. Ferreira (IZA DP 16474, IZA World of Labor)

    • 'The wage effects of employers' associations: A case study of the private schools sector' (IZA DP 16476)

    • 'Wage Cyclicality and Labour Market Institutions', with J. Pereira and R. Ramos (IZA DP 16787)

    • 'Wage Effects of Polytechnic Degrees: Evidence from the 1999 China Higher Education Expansion', with L. Dai (GLO DP 1399)

    • 'Does Vocational Education Pay off in China? Evidence from City-Level Education Supply Shocks', with L. Dai (IZA DP 16957)

    • 'Effects of Individual Incentive Reforms in the Public Sector: The Case of Teachers', with J. Ferreira (GLO DP 1441)


  • New project: 'VET, higher education and labour: An analysis of individual merged data', FCT/PlanApp S4P, 2024/25 (PI, €40k)​



  • Email: pedro.martins at

  • Twitter: @pmrsmartins and @pmrsmartins_pt



Last update: June 2024


Selected articles:

  1. 'Labour Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe', with A. Bassanini et al, Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming, 2024 (Earlier version: Nova WP 654).

  2. 'Employee training and firm performance: Evidence from ESF grant applications', Labour Economics, 72, 102056, 2021 (Earlier version: IZA DP 14153) [EALE 2022 prize for best article in Labour Economics journal]

  3. '30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Bargaining Extensions'. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(2), 335–369, 2021 (Earlier version: GLO DP 413)

  4. 'Bias in Returns to Tenure When Firm Wages and Employment Comove: A Quantitative Assessment and Solution', with Andy Snell, Heiko Stueber and Jonathan Thomas. Journal of Labor Economics, 36(1), 47-74, 2018. (Earlier version: IZA DP 9849)

  5. 'Foreign-Owned Firms Around the World: A Comparative Analysis of Wages and Employment at the Micro-Level', with Alexander Hijzen, Thorsten Schank, and Richard Upward. European Economic Review, 60(C), 170-188, 2013. (IZA DP 4757)

  6. 'Measuring What Employers Do about Entry Wages over the Business Cycle: A New Approach', with Gary Solon and Jonathan Thomas. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4(4), 36-55, 2012. (Earlier version: NBER WP 15767; Media: Financial Times.)

  7. 'Dismissals for Cause: The Difference that Just Eight Paragraphs Can Make', Journal of Labor Economics, 27(2), 257-279, 2009. (Earlier version: IZA DP 3112; Media: DN1/DN2)


Other articles:

  1. 'Making Their Own Weather? Estimating Employer Labour-Market Power and Its Wage Effects', with A. Melo. Journal of Urban Economics, 139, 103614, 2024 (Earlier version: IZA DP 16475)

  2. 'From A to Z: effects of a 2nd-grade reading intervention program for struggling readers', with J. Lopes, C. Oliveira, J. Ferreira, J. T. Oliveira and N. Crato, Revista de Psicodidáctica, 29(1), 57–68, 2024. (GLO DP 1394)

  3. 'Rent Sharing in China: Magnitude, Heterogeneity and Drivers', with Wenjing Duan. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(1), 176-219, 2022 (Blog: English; Chinese)

  4. 'How representative are social partners in Europe? The role of dissimilarity', with Marta Martinez-Matute. LABOUR, 36, 424–444, 2022. (Earlier version: IZA DP 15370)

  5. 'What drives social returns to education? A meta-analysis', with Ying Cui. World Development, 148, 105651, 2021. (Earlier version: IZA DP 14332)

  6. 'Collateral damage? Labour market effects of competing with China - at home and abroad', with Sonia Cabral, Joao P. dos Santos and Mariana Tavares. Economica, 88(350), 570-600, 2021. (Earlier version: GLO DP 645)

  7. 'Working to get fired? Unemployment benefit eligibility and employment duration'. Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(5), 1016-1030, 2021. (IZA DP 10262)

  8. 'Effect of self-employment on health: Instrumental variables analysis of social security data', with Judite Goncalves. Small Business Economics, 57(3), 1527-1543, 2021 (Earlier version: GLO DP 245)

  9. 'Should the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts increase in recessions? Evidence from a law reform'. International Review of Law and Economics, 68, 106009, 2021. (Earlier version: IZA DP 10206)

  10. 'Do entry wages increase when severance pay drops? Not in recessions'. Economics Letters, 201, 109798, 2021. (CGR WP 77)

  11. 'No Extension without Representation? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Collective Bargaining', with Alexander Hijzen. IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 9(5), 1-31, 2020. (Earlier version: IMF WP 16/143)

  12. 'Assessing the Legal Value Added of Collective Bargaining Agreements', with Joana Saraiva. International Review of Law and Economics, 62(C), 1-13, 2020. (Earlier version: GLO DP 406)

  13. 'Frontal assault versus incremental change: A comparison of collective bargaining in Portugal and the Netherlands', with Alexander Hijzen and Jante Parlevliet. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 9(8), 1-26, 2019. (Earlier version: DNB WP 576)

  14. 'The Microeconomic Impact of Employee Representatives: Evidence from Membership Thresholds'. Industrial Relations, 58(4), 591-622, 2019. (Earlier version: GLO DP 428)

  15. 'Do Immigrants Displace Native Workers? Evidence from Matched Panel Data', with Matloob Piracha and Jose Varejao. Economic Modelling, 72(C), 216-222, 2018.

  16. 'Globalised labour markets? International rent sharing across 47 countries', with Yong Yang. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(4), 664-691, 2015. (Earlier version: IZA DP 4757)

  17. 'Multinational Performance and the Geography of FDI: Evidence from 46 Countries', with Yong Yang and Nigel Driffield. Management International Review, 53(6), 763-794, 2013.

  18. 'Wages and Profits in Manufacturing Firms: Matched-Panel Evidence from Brazil', with Luiz Esteves. Economia, 13(3b), 815-841, 2012.

  19. 'Paying More to Hire the Best? Foreign Firms, Wages and Worker Mobility'. Economic Inquiry, 49(2), 349-363, 2011.

  20. 'Firm-Level Social Returns to Education', with Jim Jin. Journal of Population Economics, 23(2), 539-558, 2010.

  21. 'Real and Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal-Treatment Contracting', with Andy Snell and Jonathan Thomas. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(4), 841-863, 2010.

  22. 'Nacionalidade das Empresas e Fluxo de Empregos no Brasil', with Luiz Esteves. Estudos Economicos, 40(1), 133-152, 2010.

  23. 'Rent Sharing Before and After the Wage Bill'. Applied Economics, 41(17), 2133-2151, 2009.

  24. 'The Impact of Exporting on Firm Productivity: A Meta-Analysis of the Learning-by-Exporting Hypothesis', with Yong Yang. Review of World Economics, 145(3), 431-445, 2009.

  25. 'Worker Churning and Firms' Wage Policies'. International Journal of Manpower (special issue: "The impact of compensation policies within firms: Evidence from linked employer-employee data"), 29(1), 48-63, 2008.

  26. 'Dispersion in Wage Premiums and Firm Performance'. Economics Letters, 101(1), 63-65, 2008.

  27. 'Heterogeneity in Real Wage Cyclicality'. Scottish Journal of Political Economy (special issue: "Labour contracts and wages over the cycle"), 54(5), 684-698, 2007.

  28. 'Rent Sharing and Wages'. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 46(2/3), 23-31, 2007.

  29. 'External Hirings and Firm Productivity', with Francisco Lima. Applied Economics Letters, 13(14), 911-915, 2006.

  30. 'Wage Dynamics, Cohort Effects and Limited Commitment Models', with Andy Snell and Jonathan Thomas. Journal of the European Economic Association, P&P, 3(2/3), 350-359, 2005.

  31. 'The Inter-Industry Wage Structure of US Multinationals'. Economics Bulletin, 10(1), 1-12, 2005.

  32. 'Industry Wage Dispersion: Evidence from the Wage Distribution'. Economics Letters, 83(2), 157-163, 2004.

  33. 'Returns to Education and Wage Equations', with Pedro T. Pereira. Applied Economics, 36(6), 525-531, 2004.

  34. 'Does Education Reduce Wage Inequality? Quantile Regression Evidence from 16 Countries' with P. T. Pereira, Labour Economics, 11(3), 355-371, 2004.

  35. 'Firm Wage Differentials in a Competitive Industry: Some Matched Panel Evidence'. International Journal of Manpower, 24(4), 336-346, 2003. (Abstract)

  36. 'Is There A Return-Risk Link in Education?', with Pedro T. Pereira. Economics Letters, 75(1), 31-37, 2002.


Book chapters, reports, etc:

  1. ‘The widespread presence and effects of temporary contracts', with Franck Malherbet. OECD, 2024

  2. Ensino profissionalizante: à procura do tempo perdido?', with João R. Ferreira, in Justino, D (ed), 'O ensino em Portugal antes e depois do 25 de abril', EduLog, 2024

  3. 'A Long-Term Evaluation of a Short Training Program for the Unemployed: Exploring Administrative Data', with Miguel Baião and Isabel Guedes. Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), 1-16, 2024

  4. ‘O potencial do trabalho remoto internacional no relançamento do mercado de trabalho europeu’, in González, J., Venes, N., Pinheiro Alves, R. (ed) União Europeia: que futuro?, 2023 

  5. 'Guia prático de avaliação de impacto de medidas ativas de emprego' [ALMP evaluation guide], Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2022.

  6. 'The Economic Implications of Training for Firm Performance', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press, 2022.

  7. 'Envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho', in Canhão, H, Gil, AP, Pita Barros, P, Cunha Branco, J (eds), 'Desafios do envelhecimento – Saúde, Económicos e Sociais', Fundação Amélia de Melo, 2022.

  8. 'Internal Labor Market Dimensions and Labor Productivity', in Polachek, S.W., Tatsiramos, K., Russo, G. and van Houten, G. (Eds.), 'Workplace Productivity and Management Practices', Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 49, Emerald Publishing, 2021.

  9. 'Equidade intergeracional no trabalho em Portugal' [Intergenerational equity in the labour market in Portugal], Gulbenkian Foundation, 2021

  10. 'Measuring what social partners do about wages over the business cycle', in Brites Pereira, L, Mata, E, Rocha de Sousa, M (eds), Economic Globalization & Governance: Essays in Honor of Jorge Braga de Macedo, Springer, 2021

  11. 'Por uma politica reformista na area do trabalho', in Morgado, M and Ramos, R (eds), 'Linhas direitas', D. Quixote, 2019

  12. 'Mercado de trabalho: mais liberdade, mais responsabilidade', in Bento da Silva, J (eds), 'Juntos, Somos Quase um 31 - Liberais 'a solta', Aletheia, 2019

  13. 'Decentralisation and the gender pay gap in the UK context', with Hazel Conley, Geraldine Healy, and Stella Warren, in H. Conley, D. Gottardi, G. Healy, B. Mikołajczyk, M. Peruzzi (eds), 'The Gender Pay Gap and Social Partnership in Europe', Routledge, 2019

  14. Public policy, big data, and counterfactual evaluation: An illustration from an employment activation programme', in Crato, Nuno and Paruolo, Paolo (eds), 'Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation: How Microdata is Transforming Policy Design', Springer, 2019

  15. '2020 Labour Market Vision: Labour Market Information Systems for the New Decade', Socieux+, 2019

  16. 'Labour market data sources towards digital technical and vocational education and training', with Nikos Askitas, Rafik Mahjoubi and Koffi Zougbede (Paris21/OECD DP 13, 2018)

  17. 'Recommendations - Expert Group for the Review of Greek Labour Market Institutions', with J. van Ours, J. Jimeno, A. Monteiro Fernandes, G. Bosch, W. Daubler, I. Koukiadis and B. Veneziani. Government of Greece and European Commission, 2016.

  18. 'Os contratos a termo em Portugal', with Alcides Martins. Educacao e Emprego, 2011.

  19. 'Multinational Performance and Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from 46 Countries', with Yong Yang, in "Firm-level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation", J. Berrill, E. Hutson and R. Sinkovics (eds), Palgrave MacMillan, 2011.

  20. 'Improving Achievement through Targeted, Non-Cognitive Skills: Evidence from the EPIS Program'. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2010.

  21. 'Rent Sharing: A Survey of Methodologies and Results', in "Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization: Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data", editors: D. Marsden and F. Rycx, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

  22. 'Rent Sharing nas Industrias Brasileiras', with Luiz Esteves, in "Tecnologia, Exportacao e Emprego", editors: J. DeNegri, F. DeNegri and D. Coelho, IPEA, 2006.

  23. 'Wage Differentials and Wage Spillovers of Foreign Firms'. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2004.

  24. 'Education and Earnings in Portugal', with Pedro T. Pereira. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2002.

  25. 'Portugal', with Pedro T. Pereira, in "Education and Earnings in Europe", editors: C. Harmon, I. Walker and N. Westergaard-Nielsen, Edward Elgar, 2001.



Recent media coverage: The Economist, Expresso, Observador, SICN


Latest blogs/newspaper articles: Formacao e PRR (Feb 25); Social returns to education (Dec 4, 2020); Social partners (Nov 24); European Social Rights (Sept 24), Plano Costa Silva (Aug 22); Do fim do principio...? (Apr 4); Potencial do teletrabalho (Mar 27); Employment policy and Covid (Mar 11)


Colleagues Working in Office


I am a labour economist and Full Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics. My research contributes to the understanding of labour markets and the effects of different public policies.

The studies I conduct typically investigate the causal relationships between programmes (particularly in collective bargaining, employment law, employment services and training) and outcomes such as employment, productivity and wages. These studies are usually based on the econometric analysis of large data sets. I also work on related areas in education (with EPIS and IE) and development (namely the cases of Brazil, China and Mozambique).

My approach to research has been shaped by my experience in the Government of Portugal, when I was responsible for a number of major policy reforms (OECD evaluation).

My findings have been published in leading academic journals, including Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, American Economic Journal (Macro), European Economic Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations and World Development. My research has also been discussed in the international media, including the Financial Times, The Economist and the BBC. Some of these studies have been supported by research grants in which I was principal investigator, totaling over €1.5m since 2014, and draw on collaborations with international organisations, including the European Commission, ILO, IMF, OECD, Socieux and World Bank.

According to the RePEc rankings, my research contributions place me in the top 5% of economists in the world.

Colleagues Working in Office

Working Papers

Unpublished working papers:

  • 'Spillover Effects of Employment Protection', with P. Cahuc, P. Carry and F. Malherbet (Nova WP 655, Earlier version: CEPR DP 16875VoxEU)

  • 'Can Vocational Education Improve Schooling and Labour Outcomes? Evidence from a Large Expansion', with J. Ferreira (IZA DP 16474)

  • 'Wage Cyclicality and Labour Market Institutions', with J. Pereira and R. Ramos (IZA DP 16787)

  • 'Wage Effects of Polytechnic Degrees: Evidence from the 1999 China Higher Education Expansion', with L. Dai (GLO DP 1399)

  • 'Does Vocational Education Pay off in China? Evidence from City-Level Education Supply Shocks', with L. Dai (IZA DP 16957)

  • 'Effects of Individual Incentive Reforms in the Public Sector: The Case of Teachers', with J. Ferreira (GLO DP 1441)[earlier version: 'Individual Teacher Incentives, Student Achievement and Grade Inflation'. (Media: The Economist, Atlantic, NCTQ, DN, JN, Expresso)]

  • 'Labour market concentration moderates the minimum-wage employment effect in China', with W. Duan and L. Dai

  • 'Employers' Associations, Worker Mobility, and Training', with J. Thomas (GLO DP 1219

  • 'The wage effects of employers' associations: A case study of the private schools sector' (IZA DP 16476)

  • 'Which Occupations Do Jobseekers and Firms Look For? Evidence from Three Public Employment Services' (GLO DP 971

  • 'What do Employers' Associations do?' (IZA DP 13705)

  • 'Jobs Cronyism in Public-Sector Firms' (GLO DP 624

  • 'Is the future of work childless? Self-employment and fertility', with Judite Goncalves (GLO DP 401)

  • 'Economic effects of overtime premium flexibility: Firm- and worker-level evidence from a law reform' (GLO DP 102)

  • '(How) Do Non-Cognitive Skills Programs Improve Adolescent School Achievement? Experimental Evidence' (IZA DP 10950, 2017)

  • 'Can Non-Cognitive Skills Programs Improve Achievement?' (GLO DP 105) [R&R]

  • 'Reemployment and substitution effects from increased activation', with Sofia Pessoa e Costa (IZA DP 8600)



Suspended working papers:

Filling Out a Form

Research Grants

Ongoing/recent funded research projects (selection):

  • 'The impact of vocational education and training on higher education and labour market - An analysis of merged individual data', FCT/PlanApp, 2024-25 (PI, €40k)

  • 'Returns to Education', FFMS, 2024-25 (Co-PI, €75k)

  • 'Avaliação do Impacto Contrafactual das Medidas Ativas de Emprego' [Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies], POAT, 2021-22 (PI, €139k)

  • 'Employer representation in collective bargaining', DG Employment, European Commission, 2020-22 (PI: D. Nicolitsas, €392k)

  • 'Intergenerational equity', Gulbenkian Foundation, 2019-21 (PI, £32k)

  • 'Collective bargaining in Brazil', QM GERI, 2019 (PI, £2k)

  • 'Economic Analysis of Collective Bargaining Extensions', DG Employment, European Commission, 2017-19 (PI, €405k)

  • 'Developing vocational training in the Mozambique labour market', International Growth Centre, 2015-16 (PI, £19.6k)

  • 'Collective Bargaining', International Monetary Fund, 2015 (PI, $5k)

  • 'Management Training and Firm Performance: The Role of the EU Structural Funds', QMUL, 2015 (PI, £3k)

  • 'Close the deal, fill the gap', DG Justice, European Commission, 2014-16 (PI: H. Conley, €325k)

  • 'Counterfactual impact evaluation of a large activation programme', DG Employment, European Commission, 2014-15 (PI, €96k)

Colleagues Working in Office

Recent presentations

2024: Vienna University of Economics and Business, HdBA (Mannheim), +Liberdade (Lisbon), ISEG (LESE)


2023: European Commission, FFMS Summer School, NovaSBE, GEE, ISEG, U. Europeia



  • December: Gulbenkian, ISEG

  • November: IPP/ISEG

  • October: Fixed-term contracts, Heriot-Watt

  • September: Monopsony, Venice

  • June: LEED, Porto; Banks of Portugal and Spain, Tavira

  • May: Minimum wages, Genoa

  • March: Fixed-term contracts, European Commission (JRC)

  • Feb: Fixed-term contracts, Minho University



  • Oct 2021: Intergenerational equity in the labour market, Gulbenkian Foundation

  • Sept 2021: Collusion and training, EALE

  • Sept 2021: SITE Labor Markets and Policy Reforms Workshop, Stanford Economics [by co-author]

  • Aug 2021: Rimini meeting

  • June 2021: Minimum wages, Sciences Po, Paris

  • May 2021: Public policies, MEL

  • May 2021: Collusion and training, SOLE

  • Feb 2021: Employer associations, National Productivity Board, Portugal

  • Feb 2021: Collusion and training, GLO

  • Nov 2020: Employer associations and collective bargaining extensions, AIP meeting

  • Nov 2020: Labour market information systems, WAPES online meeting

  • Sept 2020: Consultation on the Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights

  • Sept 2020: IZA Workshop on Labor Market Institutions

  • June 2020: Fixed-term contracts, EALE/SOLE/AASLE conference [by co-author]


Curriculum Vitae - Pedro S. Martins

May 2024



Full name: Pedro Miguel Rodrigues da Silva Martins

Place and DOB: Lisbon, Portugal, December 1974; Nationality: Portuguese

Office: B211, Nova School of Business and Economics, R. da Holanda, 1, 2775-405 Carcavelos, Portugal



Current positions

  • Full Professor, Nova School of Business and Economics (2021-)

    • Scientific Director, Economics for Policy Knowledge Center (2023-)

    • Co-Director, Public Administration Leadership Programme (2023-)

    • Courses: Policy Evaluation (MSc, PhD, ExecEd); Personnel Economics (MSc); Econometrics (MSc); Microeconomics (UG); Public Policy (ExecEd)


  • Associate Editor, Economic Modelling (2021-)

  • Scientific council chair, EPIS (2013-; member since 2006)

  • Research fellow: IZA (2004-), GLO (2017-), Iniciativa Educação (2019-)


Previous positions

  • Founding academic director, Master’s in International Development and Public Policy, Nova SBE (2021-22);

  • Professor of Applied Economics (2009-2021), Reader (2007-9), Senior Lecturer (2005-7), and Lecturer (2004-5), Queen Mary University of London

  • Member of the Group of Independent Experts on Labour Market Reforms, Government of Greece and European Commission (Apr-Oct 2016)

  • Secretary of State of Employment, Portugal (June 2011-Feb 2013) [wiki]

  • Visiting positions: CEU (Vienna), Michigan State, Banco de Portugal (DEE), CREST/ENSAE, ILO, IMF, Nova SBE, IPEA (Brazil), ETLA (Finland), NYU, CSGR (UK)

  • Collaborations: Socieux+, International Training Centre (ILO), OECD (DELSA), European Commission (DG EMPL, DG GROW, DG EDUC), ICF (EU PES network), Paris21, Nova Finance Center, INE, IPEA, Towers Watson, CNEL, UX Mozambique

  • Research fellow: CEG-IST (2006-2016), NovAfrica (2015-), NovaSBE Economics for Policy (2017-),

  • Lecturer in Economics, University of St Andrews (2003-2004)

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Warwick University (2000-2003)

  • Researcher in EU project, NovaSBE (1998-2000)

  • Director, 'Nova Economia' magazine (1996-1997)

  • Research areas: Labour Economics (core), Economics of Education, Public Policy, Industrial Relations

  • Teaching experience: Public Policy; Policy Evaluation; Microeconomics; Econometrics; Statistics; Business Economics; Labour Economics; Personnel Economics; Macroeconomics (Intro); Public Economics

  • Academic administrative experience: NovaSBE: Academic director, Master’s in International Development and Public Policy; QMUL: Research impact director; Director of Research; Management Committee member; Admissions Chair; Chair of the UG Exams Board; PhD Committee member; Seminar organiser; Staff-Student Committee chair; Interviewing panels member; Co-Director of the Centre for Globalisation Research; External examiner (Royal Holloway, Maynooth)


Academic degrees - Economics



a) Refereed papers [43; Google Scholar: 4,105 citations, h=31; Scopus: 875 citations, h=14; RePEc: top 5% in 27 (of 33) criteria; RG=1,287; Personal top 10 in bold]

  1. Labour Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe (with A. Bassanini et al), Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming, 2024.

  2. Making their own weather? Estimating employer labour-market power and its wage effects (with A. Melo), Journal of Urban Economics, 139, 103614, 2024.

  3. From A to Z: effects of a 2nd-grade reading intervention program for struggling readers (with J. Lopes, C. Oliveira, J. Ferreira, J. T. Oliveira and N. Crato), Revista de Psicodidáctica, 29(1), 57–68, 2024.

  4. Rent Sharing in China: Magnitude, heterogeneity and drivers (with W. Duan), British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(1), 176-219, 2022.

  5. The representativeness of European social partners: The role of dissimilarity (with M. Martinez-Matute), LABOUR, 36, 424–444, 2022.

  6. Employee Training and Firm Performance: Evidence from ESF grant applications, Labour Economics, 72, 102056, 2021. [EALE Prize for best paper published in the journal in 2021]

  7. The effect of self-employment on health: Evidence from longitudinal social security data (with J. Gonçalves), Small Business Economics, 57(3), 1527-1543, 2021.

  8. Working to get fired? Unemployment benefit eligibility and job duration, Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(5), 1016-1030, 2021.

  9. Should the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts increase in recessions? International Review of Law and Economics, 68, 106009, 2021.

  10. Social returns to education: A meta-analysis (with Y. Cui), World Development, 148, 105651, 2021.

  11. 30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Agreements Extensions, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(2), 335-369, 2021.

  12. Do entry wages increase when severance pay drops? Not in recessions, Economics Letters, 201, 109798, 2021.

  13. Collateral Damage? Labour market effects of competing with China at Home and Abroad (with S. Cabral, J.P. Santos and M. Tavares), Economica, 88(350), 570-600, 2021.

  14. No extension without representation? Evidence from a natural experiment in collective bargaining (with A. Hijzen), IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 9(5), 1-31, 2020.

  15. Assessing the Legal Value Added of Collective Bargaining Agreements (with J. Saraiva), International Review of Law & Economics, 62, 1-13, 2020.

  16. The Microeconomic Impact of Employee Representatives: Evidence from Membership Thresholds, Industrial Relations, 58(4), 591-622, 2019.

  17. Frontal assault versus incremental change: A comparison of collective bargaining in Portugal and the Netherlands (with A. Hijzen and J. Parlevliet), IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 9(8), 1-26, 2019.

  18. Bias in Returns to Tenure When Firm Wages and Employment Comove: A Quantitative Assessment and Solution (with A. Snell, H. Stueber and J. Thomas), Journal of Labor Economics, 36(1), 47-74, 2018.

  19. Do Immigrants Displace Native Workers? Evidence from Matched Panel Data (with M. Piracha and J. Varejão), Economic Modelling, 72(C), 216-222, 2018.

  20. Globalised labour markets? International rent sharing across 47 countries (with Y. Yang), British Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(4), 664-691, 2015.

  21. Multinational Performance and the Geography of FDI: Evidence from 46 Countries (with Y. Yang and N. Driffield), Management International Review, 53(6), 763-794, 2013.

  22. Foreign-Owned Firms around the World: A Comparative Analysis of Wages and Employment at the Micro-Level (with A. Hijzen, Th. Schank, and R. Upward), European Economic Review, 60(C), 170-188, 2013.

  23. Measuring What Employers Do about Entry Wages over the Business Cycle: A New Approach (with G. Solon and J. Thomas), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4(4), 36-55, 2012.

  24. Wages and Profits in Manufacturing Firms: Matched-Panel Evidence from Brazil (with L. Esteves), Economia, 13(3b), 815-841, 2012.

  25. Paying More to Hire the Best? Foreign Firms, Wages and Worker Mobility, Economic Inquiry, 49(2), 349–363, 2011.

  26. Real and Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal-Treatment Contracting (with A. Snell and J. Thomas), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(4), 841-863, 2010.

  27. Nacionalidade das Empresas e Fluxo de Empregos no Brasil (with Luiz Esteves), Estudos Económicos, 40(1), 133-152, 2010.

  28. Firm-Level Social Returns to Education (with J. Jin), Journal of Population Economics, 23(2), 539–558, 2010.

  29. The Effects of Exporting on Firm Productivity: A Meta-Analysis of the Learning-by-Exporting Hypothesis (with Y. Yang), Review of World Economics, 145(3), 431-445, 2009.

  30. Dismissals for Cause: The Difference that Just Eight Paragraphs Can Make, Journal of Labor Economics, 27(2), 257-279, 2009.

  31. Rent Sharing Before and After the Wage Bill, Applied Economics, 41(17), 2133-2151, 2009.

  32. Dispersion in Wage Premiums and Firm Performance, Economics Letters, 101(1), 63-65, 2008.

  33. Worker Churning and Firm's Wage Policies, International Journal of Manpower, 29(1), 48-63, 2008.

  34. Rent Sharing and Wages, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, 46(2/3), 23-31, 2007.

  35. Heterogeneity in Wage Cyclicality, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 54(5), 684-698, 2007.

  36. External Hirings and Firm Productivity (with F. Lima), Applied Economics Letters, 13(14), 911-915, 2006.

  37. Wage Dynamics, Cohort Effects and Limited Commitment (with A. Snell and J. Thomas), Journal of the European Economic Association 3(2/3), 350-359, 2005.

  38. The Inter-Industry Wage Structure of US Multinationals, Economics Bulletin, 10(1), 1-12, 2005.

  39. Industry Wage Dispersion: Evidence from the Wage Distribution, Economics Letters, 83(2), 157-163, 2004.

  40. Returns to Education and Wage Equations (with P. T. Pereira), Applied Economics, 36(6), 525-531, 2004.

  41. Does Education Reduce Wage Inequality? Quantile Regression Evidence from 16 Countries (with P. T. Pereira), Labour Economics, 11(3), 355-371, 2004.

  42. Firm Wage Differentials in a Competitive Industry: Some Matched Panel Evidence, International Journal of Manpower, 24(4), 336-346, 2003.

  43. Is there a Return-Risk Link in Education? (with P. T. Pereira), Economics Letters, 75(1), 31-37, 2002.

b) Book chapters, reports and data sets [28]

  1. The growing role of temporary jobs (with F. Malherbet), in Carcillo, S and Scarpetta, S (eds), Handbook on Labour Markets in Transition, OECD and Edward Elgar, forthcoming, 2024

  2. Ensino profissionalizante: à procura do tempo perdido? (with J. Ferreira), in Justino, D (ed), ‘O ensino em Portugal antes e depois do 25 de Abril’, EDULOG – Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, forthcoming, 2024

  3. A Long-Term Evaluation of a Short Training Program for the Unemployed: Exploring Administrative Data (with M. Santos and I. Barba), Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), 1-16, 2024

  4. O potencial do trabalho remoto internacional no relançamento do mercado de trabalho europeu, in González, J., Venes, N., Pinheiro Alves, R. (ed) União Europeia: que futuro?, 2023

  5. The Economic Implications of Training for Firm Performance', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press, 2022

  6. Envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho, in Canhão, H, Gil, AP, Pita Barros, P, Cunha Branco, J (eds) Desafios do envelhecimento – Saúde, Económicos e Sociais - 150 anos do nascimento de Alfredo da Silva, Fundação Amélia de Melo, 2022

  7. Internal labour market dimensions and labour productivity, in Polachek, S, Tatsiramos, K., Russo, G. and van Houten, G. (eds) Workplace Productivity and Management Practices, Research in Labor Economics, vol. 49, Emerald, 2021.

  8. A equidade intergeracional no trabalho / Intergenerational Equity in the labour market, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2021.

  9. Research impact case study on Collective Bargaining, Queen Mary University of London, Research Excellence Framework, 2021

  10. Measuring what social partners do about wages over the business cycle, in Brites Pereira, L, Mata, ME, Rocha de Sousa, M (eds), ‘Economic Globalization & Governance: Essays in Honor of J. Braga de Macedo’, Springer, 2021

  11. 2020 Labour Market Vision: Labour Market Information Systems for the New Decade, Socieux+, Technical Reports Collection, 1, 2019

  12. Collective bargaining agreement micro data sets from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, with C. Lucifora and D. Nicolitsas, CoBExt research project, 2019

  13. The future of work: implications and responses, European Public Employment Services Network, European Commission, 2019

  14. Public policy, big data, and counterfactual evaluation: An illustration from an employment activation programme, in Crato, N and Paruolo, P (eds), 'Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation: How Microdata is Transforming Policy’, Springer, 2019 

  15. Políticas públicas para o novo mundo do trabalho, in Morgado, M and Ramos, R (eds), ‘Linhas direitas’, D. Quixote, 2019

  16. Mercado de trabalho: mais liberdade, mais responsabilidade, in Bento da Silva, J (ed), 'Juntos, Somos Quase um 31 - Liberais à solta', Aletheia, 2019 

  17. Decentralisation and the gender pay gap in the UK, with H. Conley, G. Healy and S. Warren, in H. Conley, D. Gottardi, G. Healy, B. Mikołajczyk, M. Peruzzi (eds), 'The Gender Pay Gap and Social Partnership in Europe', Routledge, 2019

  18. Labour market data sources towards digital technical and vocational education and training, with N. Askitas, R. Mahjoubi and K. Zougbede, Paris21 DP 13, 2018.

  19. Assessment of public employment services and active labour market policies in Namibia, with M. Mwasikakata, ILO Working Paper, 2017

  20. Research Impact case study on Labour Market Reforms, Queen Mary University of London – Research Excellence Framework 2014

  21. Multinational Performance and Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from 46 Countries, with Y. Yang, in ‘Firm-level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation’, J. Berrill and R. Sinkovics (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

  22. Os contratos a termo em Portugal, with A. Martins. Educação e Emprego, 1, 2011.

  23. Improving Achievement through Targeted, Non-Cognitive Skills: Evidence from the EPIS Program. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2010.

  24. Rent Sharing: A Survey of Methodologies and Results, in ‘Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization: Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data’, D. Marsden and F. Rycx (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

  25. Rent Sharing nas Industrias Brasileiras (with Luiz Esteves), in ‘Tecnologia, Exportação e Emprego’, J. DeNegri, F. DeNegri and D. Coelho (eds), IPEA, 2006.

  26. Wage Differentials and Wage Spillovers of Foreign Firms. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2004.

  27. Education and Earnings in Portugal, with Pedro T. Pereira. Bank of Portugal, Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, 2002.

  28. Portugal. (with P. T. Pereira) in ‘Education and Earnings in Europe’, edited by C. Harmon, I. Walker and N. Westergaard-Nielsen, Edward Elgar, 2001.

c) Submitted or under revision [4]


  1. The wage effects of employers' associations: A case study of the private schools sector

  2. Does vocational education pay off in China? Evidence from city-level school supply shocks (with Li Dai)

  3. Wage cyclicality and labour market institutions (with J. Pereira and R. Ramos)

  4. Wage Effects of Polytechnic Education: Evidence from the 1999 Chinese Higher Education Shock (with Li Dai)



e) Work in progress [25]


  1. Spillover Effects of Employment Protection (with P. Cahuc, P. Carry and F. Malherbet)

  2. Can vocational education improve schooling and labour outcomes? Evidence from a large expansion (with J. Ferreira)

  3. Individual Teacher Incentives, Student Achievement and Grade Inflation (with J. Ferreira) [IZA]

  4. Gender gaps in sickness benefits (with J. Rocha-Gomes, M. Amorim-Lopes and J. Gonçalves)

  5. Employers’ associations, worker mobility, and training (with J. Thomas)

  6. Can wage transparency mandates reduce the gender gap? Evidence from a firm size discontinuity (with J. Almeida, M. Ferreira, J. Pereira, J. Duarte, P. Brinca)

  7. The impact of physician and nurse retirements on hospital activity and patient outcomes (with J. Gonçalves and E. Costa)

  8. Is the gender wage gap cyclical? (with J. Pereira and R. Ramos)

  9. Vocational education and entrepreneurship (with T. Thomas)

  10. Labour market information system design (with H. Sousa)

  11. Jobs Cronyism in Public-Sector Firms (with J. Tavares and M. Fernandes)

  12. (How) Do Non-Cognitive Skills Programs Improve Adolescent School Achievement? Experimental Evidence [IZA]

  13. Implicit contracts and pass-through of asymmetric productivity shocks (with A. Snell, J. Thomas, H. Stueber and S. Breslin)

  14. Which Occupations Do Jobseekers and Firms Look For? Evidence from Three Public Employment Services [GLO]

  15. What do Employers’ Associations do? [IZA]

  16. Can Targeted, Non-Cognitive Skills Programs Improve Achievement? Evidence from EPIS [IZA]

  17. Can overtime premium flexibility promote employment? [IZA]

  18. Reemployment and substitution effects from jobseeker activation [IZA]

  19. Employment court trial durations (with J. Pereira)

  20. The effect of self-employment on fertility (with J. Gonçalves) [GLO]

  21. Short-term effects of increasing the legal retirement age

  22. Context Matters: Firm-Level Minimum Wage Effects across the Business Cycle

  23. The devil is in the details: Collective bargaining in Spain and Portugal (with M. Martinez and J. Saraiva)

  24. Can civil society improve vocational education? The case of SerPro (with J. Ferreira)

  25. Training and Labour Market Concentration (with A. Melo)



Academic media appearances/research coverage (selection): The Economist, Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC Radio 4, Le Monde, Globo, Expresso, SIC, Observador, Público, Diário de Notícias, etc



Funded research projects (Personal top 5 in bold) [31]

  1. 'VET, higher education and labour: An analysis of individual merged data', FCT/PlanApp S4P, 2024-25 (PI, €40k)

  2. ‘Returns to education’, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (2024-26, €150k)

  3. Programme Evaluation - AaZ and SerPro, Iniciativa Educação (2022-24, €30k)

  4. ‘Avaliação do Impacto Contrafactual das Medidas Ativas de Emprego' [Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies], POAT (ESF), 2021-22 (PI, €139k)

  5. ‘Employer representation in collective bargaining’, DG Employment, European Commission, 2020-22 (PI: D. Nicolitsas, €392k)

  6. ‘Digital automation in professional services’ and ‘Barriers to public procurement in the EU’, DG Growth, European Commission, 2020-21 (PI: F. Franco, €330k)

  7. ‘Intergenerational equity in the labour market’, Gulbenkian Foundation, 2019-21 (PI, £31k)

  8. ‘Labour market matching in Mozambique’, World Bank, 2019-21 (PI, $14k)

  9. ‘Education, labour market information and programme evaluation’, Iniciativa Educação (FFMS), 2019-21 (PI, €10k)

  10. ‘Economic Analysis of Collective Bargaining Extensions’, DG Employment, European Commission, 2017-19 (PI, €405k)

  11. ‘Collective bargaining in Brazil’, GERI, QMUL, 2019 (PI, £2k)

  12. ‘Non-cognitive skills and student achievement’, EPIS, 2016-18 (PI, €25k)

  13. ‘Developing vocational training in the Mozambique labour market’, International Growth Centre, 2015-16 (PI, £19,6k)

  14. ‘Close the deal, fill the gap’, DG Justice, European Commission, 2014-16 (PI: Hazel Conley, €325k)

  15. ‘Collective bargaining extensions’, International Monetary Fund, 2015 (PI, $5k)

  16. ‘Management Training and Firm Performance: The Role of the European Union Structural Funds’, Queen Mary University of London, 2014-15 (PI, £2.5k)

  17. ‘ActiValuate: Counterfactual impact evaluation of a large activation programme in Portugal’, DG Employment, European Commission, 2014-15 (PI, €96k)

  18. ‘Activating the Unemployed through Training’, SBM, Queen Mary University of London, Seedcorn Fund, 2013 (PI, £2.5k)

  19. ‘Temporary Contracts and Economic Performance’, FCT, 2010-12 (PI, €28k)

  20. ‘Entrepreneurial Exit and Organisation Performance’, FCT (PI: Miguel Amaral), 2010-13 (€75k)

  21. ‘Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data: Industry Dynamics and Worker Outcomes’, COST/ESF/European Commission (PI: John Earle), 2008-10 (€400k)

  22. ‘Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe’, European Commission (PI: Jonathan Haskel), 2008-10 (€1.4m)

  23. ‘Cohort effects within firms, and their implications for labour market outcomes and the business cycle’, ESRC (PI: Jonathan Thomas), 2008-11 (£330k).

  24. ‘Multinational Firms and Working Conditions’, OECD, Paris, 2007-08 (€8.5k)

  25. ‘Higher Education and Entrepreneurship’, FCT (PI: Francisco Lima), 2007-10 (€110k)

  26. ‘Diversification and Entrepreneurship’, FCT (PI: Rui Baptista), 2007-10 (€200k)

  27. European Labour Market Analysis using Firm-level Panel Data and Linked Data‘, European Commission (PI: David Marsden), 2006-08 (€250k).

  28. ‘Class Attendance and Composition and Student Performance’, Teaching Development Fund, University of Warwick (PI: Ian Walker), 2003-04 (£3k).

  29. ‘Tax Competition and Amenities’, ESRC/CSGR (PI: Myrna Wooders), 2002-03.

  30. ‘From School to Work’, FCT (PI: Pedro T. Pereira), 2000-03.

  31. ‘Public Funding and Private Returns to Education’, European Commission (PI: Rita Asplund), 1998-2000 (PT component: €100k).


Main programmes, laws and other initiatives as Secretary of State for Employment, Government of Portugal (2011-13)


  • Law 53/2011, of October 14th (severance pay of new hires)

  • Law 3/2012, of January 10th (fixed-term contracts extensions)

  • Tripartite agreement (UGT, CIP, CCP, CAP and CTP), of January 18th, 2012

  • Estímulo 2012 and 2013 active labour market measures (hiring subsidies)

  • Council of Ministers Resolution 20/2012 (Public Employment Service Relaunch)

  • Microeconometric evaluations on Minimum wages, ‘Novas oportunidades’ centres, Severance pay, and ALMPs

  • The ‘Vida ativa’ training/activation measure (over 500k participants per year)

  • The ‘Impulso Jovem’ programme, including different youth ALMPs

  • Law 23/2012, of June 25th (main labour law reform: severance, dismissals, working time, overtime pay, bank holidays, collective agreements, and labour inspectorate)

  • Several pilot projects, including an incentive towards job matching, a training programme in the Algarve, a workfare measure supporting fire prevention in forests, a training measure promoting graduate employment, and new training content

  • Redeployment of €400 million of ESF resources

  • Development of apprenticeship programmes

  • Council of Ministers Resolution 90/2012 (introduction of representativeness requirements for the extension of sectoral collective agreements)

  • Law 2/2013, of January 10th (opening up of professional orders)


Executive education

  1. Liderança Executiva na Administração Pública, with INA and PBS, May-Nov 2023; Sept-Dec 2024.

  2. Public policy, LAB Justiça programme, Nov 2022, Jan 2024

  3. Policy Evaluation, Cascais School Leadership programme, Jan 2023

  4. Economic reforms (UK Foreign Office), 2016, 2017



  1. European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) prize for best article published in 2021 in the “Labour Economics” journal, €1k (Sept 2022)

  2. Conselho para a Produtividade/Banco BPI, €3k (Feb 2021)

  3. UTL/Santander Totta 2010 (Economics/Management), €5k (Oct 2010)

  4. Paper Presenter, Bank of Portugal Conference, €5k (May 2010)

  5. Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement), €5k (2007)

  6. British Academy Small Research Grant, £8k (July 2006)

  7. Paper Presenter, Bank of Portugal Conference, €6k (Mar 2004)

  8. Conference Grant, Royal Economic Society (Aug 2003)

  9. Fees waiver, 2003 European Society of Population Economics Conference

  10. Class Teacher of the Year 2001-02, Dept of EconomicsUniversity of Warwick

  11. Invited Paper (co-author), Bank of Portugal Conference, €5k (March 2002)

  12. PhD Scholarship (2000-04), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, €60k 

  13. Chevening Scholarship (1997-98 and 2000-03), British Council


  • Main PhD supervisees: Yong Yang, Internationalization and Firm Performance (Jan 2006-Nov 2009; Reader, University of Sussex); Li Dai, Vocational Education and Training (Jan 2016-June 2020; Assistant Professor, Hunan University)

  • Other PhD supervisees: Eshref Trushin, Vladislav Skovorodov, Huy Bui, Yifan Qian, Ying Cui, Wenjing Duan

  • Masters supervisees at Nova SBE MIDPP (unless noted: E – Economics; M – Management): 2021/22: Alexandra Slapnicar (M), João Ribeiro (E), Carolina Quintela (E), Aleksandra Wincukiewicz (M), Melina Mazzucato, André Ilharco, Hannah Wille, Joana Amorim, João de Almeida, Carolina Pereira, Miguel Machado, Nuno Fernandes, Duran Marques, Domenica Yandun, Tamari Sabanadze, Joana Goulão, Carolina Mota, Margarida Lee, Niklas von Heyden; 2022/23: Isabel Barba (E), Marta Moreira, Marcela Nacif, Margarida Nunes, Marla Scorrano, Zelmira Kulova, Jana Setzer, João Rocha Gomes (Ec e Gestão de Saúde, U Porto); 2023/24: Ana Rasinhas (E), Catarina Balula (E), Jakob Kentrup, Nils Langewald, Julia Mitchell, Evi Voets, Inês Esteves, Laura Sgrò, Alexandre Schlesser, Malena Rink, Maria Venturati

PhD examination: Marli Fernandes, Nova SBE, 2024; Joana Pestana, Nova SBE, 2024; Mariia Murasheva, Nova SBE, 2024; Helder Costa, Univ of Minho, 2024; Marco Palladino, Sciences Po, 2023; Laman Orujova, Nova SBE, 2023; Carolina Gameiro Nogueira, Nova SBE, 2023; Afonso Camara Leme, Nova SBE, 2023; Stefan Leeffers, Nova SBE, 2023; João P. dos Santos, Nova SBE, 2021; Julia Moertel, University of Edinburgh, 2020; Maria Olsson, University of Uppsala, 2019; Antoine Valtat, Ecole Polytechnique, 2019; Sandra Nevoux, Ecole Polytechnique, 2018; Roberto Nistico, University of Essex, 2014; Margarida Rodrigues, Nova SBE, 2011; Cinzia Rienzo, Royal Holloway University of London, 2011; Hanna Pesola, Aalto University, 2011; Filip Pertold, Charles University, 2010; Candida Machado, University of Minho, 2010; Miguel Preto, Technical University of Lisbon, 2009; Marisa Tavares, University of Porto, 2009

Recruitment jury: University of Braga, 2024; ISCTE, 2024; University of Lisbon (ISCSP), 2023; University of Porto (FEP), 2022.

Aggregation jury: University of Évora, 2020


Editorial work


  • Associate Editor: Economic Modelling, 2021-;

  • Editorial Boards: Frontiers in Public Health (2023-); Journal of International Business Policy (2017-); ‘Educação e Emprego’ (2010-11)

  • Co-Editor, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2020-2023;



Referee/Reviewer: 165 verified reviews and editor records at Web of Science; selected journals: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics; American Economic Review; British Journal of Industrial Relations; Economic Journal; Economica; European Economic Review;  Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Industrial Relations; International Economic Review; Journal of Applied Econometrics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Development Studies; Journal of Institutional Economics; Journal of International Business Policy; Journal of International Economics; Journal of Labor Economics; Journal of Law, Economics and Organization; Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Population Economics; Journal of the European Economic Association; Labour Economics;  Quarterly Journal of Economics; Research Policy; Review of Economic Studies; Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


[Additional non-journal reviews: ECB Working Papers; ESRC; McGraw-Hill; MIT Press; Oxford University Press; Pearson; Routledge; Thomson; Association of International Business; Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos; U. Autonoma Barcelona; Maynooth University; International Labour Organisation.]


Keynote Presentations

  • Wages and the Labor Market, Labour Institute, Helsinki, December 2017

  • Spanish Labour Economics Association, Valladolid, July 2017

  • World Association of Public Employment Services, Seoul, July 2017

  • Minimum wages conference, IAB, Nuremberg, November 2015.

  • Portuguese Economic Journal Annual Meeting, Covilhã, June 2013.

Invited Seminars/Lectures/Presentations [incl scheduled; co-author talks excluded]

  • 2024: HdBA (July)

  • 2023: AM&Assoc (Dec), FEP (Nov), JRC (Nov), Nova SBE (Nov), ITC/ILO (Nov), GEE (Mar), U. Europeia (Jan)

  • 2022: Gulbenkian (Dec), ISEG (Dec), IPP/ISEG (Nov), Heriot Watt (Oct), Venice (Sept), LEED (June), Banco de Portugal (June), Genoa (May), European Commission (Mar), Minho (Mar)

  • 2021: EALE (Sept), Sciences Po (June), MEL (May), ILO/ITC (May/June), SOLE (May), Ministry for the Economy, Portugal (Feb), GLO (Feb)

  • 2020: Swedish PES (Sept), IZA (Sept), Gulbenkian (July), NovaSBE (Feb), London School of Economics (Feb), American Econ Assoc (San Diego, Jan)

  • 2019: Cattolica/Milan (Nov), Queen Mary (Oct), ILO Training Centre (Turin, July, Oct), Uppsala (Sept), IZA (Kalamazoo, Jul), CNEL (Rome, Jun), European Commission (June), UN/OECD/Socieux (Bangkok, Apr), ISEG (Jan)

  • 2018: CoBExt (Brussels, Dec), Seville (Nov), Budapest (Sept), IZA/Bonn (Sept x2), European Commission (July), OECD (June), Netherlands Central Bank (June), Manheim (May), University College Dublin (May), Corvinus University (Mar), Ministry of Employment – Hungary (Mar), European Commission (Mar), Queen Mary (Mar), IEFP (Feb), Nova SBE (Feb), Cattolica/Milan (Jan)

  • 2017: Univ College Dublin (Nov), Essex (Nov), CREST/ENSAE Paris (Oct), WAPES/Nairobi (Sept), European Commission/DG Employment (Sept), European Commission/DG ECFIN (June), Parliament of Portugal (June), ILO/Cape Verde (May), European Parliament (May), QMUL (April), European Commission (March), EPIS/Lisbon (Mar), ISEG/Lisbon (Jan)

  • 2016: European Commission (Nov), France Strategie (Sept), Cercle des Economistes (July), NovaSBE (July), IMF/Hertie School of Governance (June), IAB/Institute for Employment Research (June), European Commission (May), QMUL (April), Tinbergen Institute (Mar), IGC/Maputo (Mar), QMUL (Jan)

  • 2015: Universite de Paris (Dec), Graduate Institute (Nov), OECD/DELSA (Nov), European Commission (Nov), Joint Research Centre (Oct), IZA World of Labor/OECD (Oct), RECIPE meeting (Oct), Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi (Jun), French Treasury (Jun), Nova SBE (May), Lausanne (Apr), Nova SBE (May), EPIS annual conference (Mar), Joint Research Centre/European Commission (Mar), Chaire de sécurisation des parcours professionnels (Feb)

  • 2014: Ireland Central Bank (Dec); Zurich (Dec); French Central Bank (Nov); St Gallen (Oct); London School of Economics (Sept); European Commission (Sept); Maynooth (Jul); Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Mar); Alcides Martins e Associados (Jan)

  • 2013: ECB/Franfurt (Dec), ELIAMEP/Athens (Dec), NIESR/London (Oct), QMUL/London (Oct), EU Labour Law/Brussels (Oct), IEFP/Lisbon (Sept);

  • 2011: Tuebingen (Jun - cancelled), Nova/Lisbon (May), HECER/Helsinki (March), VATT/Helsinki (March), NIESR/London (Jan)

  • 2010: RWI/Essen (Oct), Institute of Education/London (Oct), University of Stockholm (Sept), Swedish Central Bank (Sept), NIPE/University of Minho (July), ISEG/Lisbon (May), Kent (Mar)

  • 2009: XVIII International Tor Vergata Conference (Dec), Michigan State (Nov), Banco de Portugal (Sept), Institute of Education (May); 2008: GEP-IFN/Stockholm (Dec), University of Copenhagen (Mar), INED/Paris (Mar), Netspar/Tilburg (Jan), Queen Mary/London (Jan), Warwick (Jan);

  • 2007: Nova/Lisbon (Dec), Loughborough (Nov), BritishAcademy/London (Sept), European Commission/Brussels (May), Banco de Portugal/Lisbon (Apr);

  • 2006: GEP/Nottingham (Nov), CEG-IST/Lisbon (Sept), IPEA/Brasilia (Sept), London Business School (May), Central European University (Jan), Institute for Social Research/Oslo (Jan);

  • 2005: FIEF/Stockholm (Sept), SOFI/Stockholm (Sept), IZA/Bonn (May), European Commission/Brussels (Apr 2005), King's College London (Apr), Banco de Portugal/Lisbon (Mar), UNL/Lisbon (Mar), Watson Wyatt (Jan);

  • 2004: ISER/Essex (Nov), Kent (Oct), ETLA/Helsinki (Sept), Nottingham (Feb), Aberdeen (Feb);

  • 2003: Warwick (May), St Andrews (Mar), Newcastle (Mar);

  • 2002: Malaga (Nov);

  • 2001: Manchester (Nov);

  • 2000: UNL/Lisbon (Oct), ISEG/Lisbon (Mar)

Discussions (selection): François Rycx (ICS, Lisbon, 2023) ‘How collective bargaining shapes poverty’; Tito Boeri (Bank of Portugal/Bank of Spain, 2022) ‘Friday Morning Fever. Evidence from a Randomized Experiment on Sick Leave Monitoring in the Public Sector’; Simon Jaeger  (Bank of Italy/CEPR, 2020) ‘Worker Voice and Shared Governance: Evidence from a Reform in Finland’; Marek Zapletal (LSE, 2018) ‘The effects of occupational licensing: Evidence from detailed business-level data’; Francesca Carta, Francesco D’Amuri and Till von Wachter (ECB, 2017) ‘Ageing workforce, pension reform, and firm's dynamics’; Several authors and papers – Wage Dynamics Network (ECB, 2017); Mario Izquierdo, Juan Jimeno, Pietro Garibaldi and others (OECD, 2015) ‘Employment protection legislation and the role of courts’; Franck Malherbert and François Fontaine (Chaire de Securitisation des Parcours Professionels , 2015) ‘Le dualism du marché du travail’ ; Mário Centeno and Alvaro Novo (IZA, 2014), ‘Worker churning and wage rigidity during the financial crisis: the role of firm quality’; Giordano Mion and Luca Opromolla (2011), ‘Managers’ Mobility, Trade Status, and Wages’; Anabela Carneiro, Paulo Guimarães and Pedro Portugal (2010), ‘Real Wages and the Business Cycle: Accounting for Worker, Firm, and Job Heterogeneity’; Jose Damijan and Crt Kostevc (2007), ‘Trade liberalisation and economic geography in transition countries’; Kristiina Huttunen (2005), ‘The effect of foreign acquisition on employment and wages: evidence from Finnish establishments’; Donald Spiegel et al (2005), ‘Ownership Change, Productivity and Human Capital: New Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data in Swedish Manufacturing’; David Autor and Susan Houseman (2005), ‘Do Temporary Help Jobs Improve Labor Market Outcomes for Low-Skilled Workers? Evidence from Random Assignments’

Conferences/Workshops organiser: Applied economics workshops, QMUL, 1 May 2014 and 26 April 2016; ‘International Trade’, QMUL, 11 November 2009; ‘Knowledge Flows’, QMUL, 23 March 2007

Conference scientific council member: 7th Linked Employer-Employee data Workshop, Porto, 2022; APDR congress, 2021, 2019; 5th Linked Employer-Employee data Workshop, Coimbra, 2017; 4th Linked Employer-Employee data Workshop, Lisbon, 2015; Portuguese Economic Journal, Braga, 2014; Economic analysis using linked employer and employee data, Porto, June 2011; Portuguese Economic Journal, Aveiro, July 2011; Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, Evora, Oct 2011

Society's membership: AEA, SOLE, EALE



References: Pierre Cahuc (Sciences Po), Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh), Pedro Vicente (Nova SBE), Álvaro S. Pereira (OECD), Ian Walker (Lancaster University), Martin Laffin (QMUL)

Languages: fluent in English and Portuguese; understands Spanish, French and basic Russian

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